Working at VARIODRIVE: Director André de Lijser

From weapon technician to director of a company specialized in servo technology. André de Lijser has been the Managing Director of VARIODRIVE for 2.5 years, but he previously worked here as an engineer for 13 years (!). Why did he come back, and how does he see our future? In this article, we discuss the background and ambitions of our director.

“What I find fantastic is to achieve things with a team of people. I prefer to have people around me who know much more than I do. By bringing that knowledge together, we can elevate a team and create great things. I found such a team at VARIODRIVE.”

Managing Director of VARIODRIVE

André de Lijser began his career with the Royal Navy as a weapon technician and worked there for a total of 9 years. After studying Electrical Engineering, Electric Drive Technology, and Mechatronics, he then joined a company that is now part of Nidec, a manufacturer and distributor of electric drive technology. However, he wanted to specialize in servo technology and was looking for a company solely focused on that. That’s when he found VARIODRIVE.

“In 1997, I started at VARIODRIVE and worked there for 13 years, developing myself along the way. It was a great time, but after 13 years, I thought, ‘I want to sit on the other side of the table for once, in an engineering role,’ and I took the step to join IHC Drives and Automation. After a year, I became a department head there, responsible for building up a department for electrical engineering and automation. I also set up a department in Romania. It’s amazing to work in such a large and great company and experience all aspects of it.”

“However, I missed the direct contact with customers, the direct influence on outcomes. The higher my management position, the less contact I had with the daily operations. I wanted to tackle challenges again alongside a team. So, it was opportune when VARIODRIVE’s founder, Dirk, sold his company to Indutrade and they asked me to take on the role of Managing Director. An excellent opportunity to return to that wonderful company and take it to the next level.”


“VARIODRIVE has a team with an immense amount of experience and knowledge. I must give them a lot of credit. The various parts of the company run smoothly; everyone is doing their job well, so that doesn’t require much time. But at the same time, there was a great challenge to further develop in various areas. With the stable foundation that VARIODRIVE has, it was clear that further steps could and should be taken in the areas of marketing, innovation, internal processes, and sustainability. And sustainability in the broadest sense of the word; we need to ensure the company’s continued existence. Make it future-proof.”

“And we do that as a team. I can’t do it alone. We made plans together and are steadily rolling them out. We have a vision for the future, a strategy, the right people, reliable suppliers, and of course, customers. My role is to shape our plans, chart a course, and act as a driving force.”


“How is it now, after 2.5 years in this role? Well, it’s very challenging. Sometimes it’s a good thing you don’t know everything beforehand,” André says with a smile. “But I simply have a fantastic group of people around me, both colleagues and external individuals. That allows you to brainstorm with different people and make quick progress.

I just find it wonderful. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with this fantastic group of people and I strive to contribute with all my knowledge, skills, and energy. Leadership at VARIODRIVE is more about coaching, getting people on board, and enabling them to achieve their goals. It’s amazing to see how people develop when you do that well.

And that’s why I enjoy the fact that we’re also looking for new people. Individuals whom we can teach this wonderful profession and guide into the future. Because the future of VARIODRIVE truly looks very promising.”

Are you interested in (servo) technology and curious about what a job at VARIODRIVE looks like? Then we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with André via or call +31 186 636280.

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